Saturday, August 6, 2011

I'm on a Roll!

Trying to get some of those pesky projects done before back to school next week.  Would you believe the kids start on the 16th?  What happened to summer vacation?

I remember why I never really got into needlepoint--other than something we did as a 6th grade class project a few years ago.  Too much work!  I bet I spent an hour misting, pulling and tugging to get this formerly diamond-shaped thing into something resembling a square.

I like counted cross-stitch so much better.  You only have to do the design--not the whole background...and no pesky blocking when you get done.

This is a beautiful piece I promised to block and sew into a pillow months ago.  I've had all the stuff, just put off the blocking part.  As I had not done this in a very long time, I got out my copy of The Encyclopedia of Needlecrafts for a quick review.  Do you know I could not find a YouTube video on this?  What's the world coming to?   If I did it more often, maybe I would make one?

Anyway, this pillow top is called "Klimt Chocolate," by Candace Bahouth.  The vibrant colors have been enhanced with gold metallic thread.  It was stitched by a dear, recently retired colleague, Helen, who I have thoroughly enjoyed working with for many years.  I miss our Critical Friends group.

When it's finally dried and sewn, I'll post the finished project.


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