Sunday, July 11, 2010

School's Out! The Fun Begins?

I think my mom is the only person who reads my blog--well, maybe a sister or two or three. Yes, I have 3 sisters, 1 brother, 4 nephews, 3 nieces, and 1 grand-niece. I am the second oldest and will have another birthday soon--not telling my age.

Summer school is out and I have had one whole week off. Have I done all I planned to do? Not yet. Who could do it all in one week?

I used to make lists of things I needed to get done by a certain date. Now I make lists of things I want to get done. It makes me feel much better when I don't finish everything. Hey, whatever it takes.

I have done a few things this past week, though. I made a lilac linen sheath dress. I stopped sewing for myself after I gained weight. No fun to make clothes when it seems everything looks yucky on you. But since I have lost about 12 lbs. since June 4, making and buying new clothes has become fun again.

I have a couple of more dresses, a jacket, pants, etc. that I would like to finish this summer. With losing weight (which I plan to I plan to continue doing), I have decided to change my style of dress--things a little more close-fitting--not so baggy.

I cleaned up and reorganized part of the kitchen. Not finished yet. I have new restaurant style shelves and a stainless steel counter to put together if I can get my darling son, JJ, to help me.

My new Brother embroidery machine came and I have tried it out on a tee-shirt. I have a couple of onsies I want to embroider for Sweet Sophie, my grand-niece. I am also considering doing some embroidery to sell at craft fairs. I found some lovely white linen hand towels I want to try this with. (Mom, ignore this, since I plan to do one for you to start with.)
Onesies and linen towels--good start.

I think I will see if I can remember how to add in photos and post pics of the 2 dresses I have made so far this summer.

I have more things on the list of "Things I Want to Do This Summer." Hey, sounds like a good title for my next post.

TTFN (Thanks, Tigger!)

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