Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Getting the Sewing Bug!

I am a bi-polar sewer!

I will go for long periods without getting near my personal sewing machine and then I want to sew non-stop!  This is why I SHOULD have a room dedicated to sewing, embroidery, quilting, etc.,--a room that I could just go into whenever I want.  I wouldn't have to worry about putting things away.  It could all just sit there till I am ready to come back.

Unfortunately, I don't have that kind of space.  Maybe that's part of why I am such an erratic sewer...

NAH!  I know's this stinking ADD.  Really!  It is so hard when you really want to be doing ten things at once...well, maybe not ten, but let's see:  crocheting Brandi's scarf, working on Sophie's quilt, working on Gavin's quilt, crocheting the sweater for Sophie, playing around with my embroidery machine, and a few more.  And then I have about a dozen books I want to read:  novels for fun, books on the science of baking, Buddhism, machine embroidery and quilting, stuff for school, etc.

The fabric I ordered online on Monday arrived today.  OMG!  It is a piece of gorgeous eggplant bamboo knit.  Yes, you read right, bamboo!  I had purchased a chef cap made from bamboo fabric and when I saw this, I decided to go for it and see how it sews and wears.

Anyway, this has the most wonderful hand--almost like a silk jersey.  And the color is luscious!  I can't use enough exclamation points!!!!!!!!  I just want to drape it over my body.

This picture does not do it justice.  It has more of a fuchsia cast to it.  This just looks like Pacific High purple.

Unfortunately, I can't start sewing yet because although the fabric got here in 2 days, I am still waiting for the pattern to arrive.  I ordered the "Madison Avenue" dress pattern from  It is a sleek sheath dress with a vee-neck.  I know I will never look like the model, but I've lost a few pounds, so if I suck my stomach in, maybe it won't look too bad.

Hopefully, the pattern will get here soon, because I SO want to wear this dress!


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