Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Summer School 2010

Hey all! Another summer school session has started. This year I have 21 girls, ages 11-13, in my "Needle Me This!" class. Try teaching all 21 how to crochet at once. It's a challenge, but also a lot of fun when you see them begin to have some success.

Of course, in a class of any kind, you always have a few who give up way too soon. One of my girls today said she was ready to stop for the day with 30 minutes left in class!! Needless to say, I don't let that happen.

So for those of you out there who are trying something new, remember, it takes a while to get really good at any new skill, be it crochet, quilting, cross-stitch, or basketball. That's my usual example because middle school girls and boys both know what I'm talking about.

I have changed the crochet scarf a little bit. This year we are using a size N hook (the biggest one you can get without going for those special ones that cost a lot more). We are also going to make the scarf narrower (10 single crochet stitches) and longer (about 8 feet).

This will make a scarf that can be folded in half and looped through, a style currently worn by lots of girls and women in the St. Louis area this year. I'll take a picture soon so you can see what I mean.

The girls are excited because we are doing some other fun things: counted cross-stitch bookmarks, macrame bracelets, machine embroidery on a purchased tote bag, and whatever else I might make up along the way.

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